Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Two Benefits Of Investing In A Life Insurance Policy

Planning for your eventual death is probably a task that you want to avoid thinking about, but it is essential for protecting your loved ones from the consequences of your passing. To this end, investing in life insurance can be a wise decision. However, you may not fully appreciate what these policies can do. After considering these two benefits of owning a life insurance policy, you should find that deciding to invest in one is the right course of action.

Settle Debts That Were Amassed During Life

If you are planning to leave assets to your loved ones, it is important for you to ensure that your debts are settled. When you die with a large amount of unpaid debt, it may be possible for the creditors to liquidate your belongs to be repaid, and this may deny your loved ones the inheritance that you were planning to leave them.

Fortunately, you can use a life insurance policy to ensure that these debts are paid. When you die, the policy can be given to the estate, and once this happens, the executor of the estate will be able to ensure the creditors are repaid with these proceeds so that your final wishes are not disrupted by challenges from creditors. 

Protect Your Loved Ones from Inheritance Taxes

It is an unfortunate fact that the inheritance you leave your loved ones will be subjected to taxes.This can result in your generosity proving to be extremely expensive. However, you may be able to use a life insurance policy to help offset this increased tax burden.

Life insurance benefits are exempt from taxes, and as a result, you can name your loved one a beneficiary to ensure that they have the money to settle the tax burden that your inheritance will create for them. This will require intense organization, but your estate planning professional will be able to help you create a plan for utilizing life insurance benefits in the most efficient manner possible.

Investing in a life insurance policy can be one of the most effective ways for protecting your loved ones from the various costs that will be associated with your passing. Yet you may not have seriously considered the benefits of these policies in the past. If you understand that life insurance can be used to pay your existing debts and that it can protect your loved ones from taxes related to the inheritance, you may better understand the importance of making this investment.

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