Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Driving Your Way To Savings: Three Ways To Lower Your Auto Insurance Bill

Owning and driving an automobile presents a considerable expense, but with the right approach, it’s easy to lower the cost you pay each month for your auto insurance. Many drivers obtain a lower insurance rate by shopping around and comparing quotes from different companies. While effective, this approach can be time-consuming. Provided you wish to stay with your current insurance provider, there are a number of simple ways you can change your driving habits or your policy itself to save money each month. Here are three effective strategies to try.

Say “Yes” To Public Transportation

Sure, taking a train, bus, or subway to and from work each day might not seem as appealing as driving in your own vehicle, but the reduced auto insurance bill you receive each month will more than offset the inconvenience of leaving your vehicle at home. Using your vehicle for your work commute increases your insurance rate; you’re spending more time on the road each day and doing so in high-traffic situations, which increases your risk of being in an accident. Finding an alternative way of getting to and from work, and letting your insurance company know about the change, can lead to a lower auto insurance bill.

Pay For Your Entire Year Up Front

Paying your auto insurance in monthly installments is a common way for drivers to handle this expense, but it’s not necessarily the most cost-effective way of doing so in the big picture. Talk to a representative at your insurance company and ask what type of savings you’d experience by paying your entire year’s worth of coverage in a lump sum instead of monthly; companies commonly provide this discount option for their customers. This strategy, of course, is best only if you have access to the funds, but provided you can manage this larger payment, you’ll typically end up with more money in your pocket at the end of the year.

Make Your Vehicle Theft-Proof

Having someone break in to your vehicle is more than just an inconvenience; it will also lead to higher insurance rates. You can reduce the risk of a break-in and often get your rate lowered on the spot by installing an anti-theft system in your vehicle. Whether you do the work yourself or have it done by a professional, keep your receipts as proof of the change and provide them to your insurance company, such as Nalley Insurance Agency LLC. Your representative will typically be able to lower your insurance rate, given that you’ve reduced your risk of having to make a claim.

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