Monday, March 30, 2020

Types Of Casualty Insurance You Need For Your Business

Casualty insurance is additional insurance that you place on your business cover natural disasters or other costly damages (both physical and financial) that your traditional insurance may not cover. To best protect your business and ensure that you have the coverage you need in the event of a disaster, theft, or other occurrence. Here are some casualty insurance types you may want to consider for your business.

Flood insurance

If you live in an area that is not known for flooding, then this kind of natural disaster may not be covered in your traditional property insurance policy. A flood can happen naturally or be caused by a pipe bursting in your building, and without proper coverage, you can be left footing the bill for both flood cleanup and restoration to repair the damage left behind. Adding flood insurance as part of your additional coverage can give you better piece of mind.

Employee theft insurance

The average business loses 6% of its revenue due to employee theft, and this type of loss is often not covered by your current insurance premium. You may want to consider employee theft insurance if you have large amounts of inventory, many employees that are difficult to track, or if you allow several employees to handle your business’s cash register or handle your payments from clients. You will want to have security cameras installed and keep expensive equipment and customer files under lock and key to show that you have done what you can to prevent employee theft to help make this kind of insurance more valuable to you should you need to make a claim.

Identity theft and cyber liability

In the event one of your clients has their identity stolen via a transaction with your business or someone hacks into your company’s website or slanders your business online, you will want to have insurance to cover legal fees and other expenses that can result from this kind of blow. Talk to your insurance agent about obtaining these kinds of insurance that can help protect your business in many ways from unseen predators.

When protecting your business, you need to make sure you have all your bases covered both financially and physically. In considering flood, identity theft, and employee theft insurance, you can feel better protected in your business and know that your customers are protected as well. Your insurance agent, such as Donaghy Kempton Insurors, can help you choose the best casualty insurance for your type of business so you can feel confident with the protection you have.

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