Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How To Get The Cheapest Female Car Insurance Quote

Unfortunately for men, female car insurance premiums are much lower it would seem the reason men are penalized on their auto insurance premiums is because they are involved with more claims than women drivers. Women are also keen to drive safe cars and overall will not take as many risks when driving as a man or drive as fast according to statistics.

Accidents rates are generally lower and this is why female car insurance providers are able to give preferential rates to women drivers as they do not claim as frequently as men. However, potentially they can have as many accidents as men but when they do have one they generally have less damage to their vehicles. Men on the other hand will often pay a third more than a woman driving a similar vehicle even if all other facts were equal.

There is also the fact that damage to vehicles driven by women is not as bad owing to the speed they travel at so the cost of repairs is generally lower and so subsequent premiums are also lower. .Insurance figures show that the damage caused to a car that is driven by a man is much greater as they travel at higher speeds.

Women are even considered to be a better risk even when they have only just passed their driving exam.

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