There are many things that you can add onto your insurance policy, such as collision coverage and medical coverage. Many people tend to think that the limited state requirement is enough for them to protect themselves. However, considering other add-ons is even more important to protect yourself financially. There are many things that you would have to pay out-of-pocket for if you only have the state requirements for car insurance. One thing that you can add is comprehensive coverage. Here are five incidents that would be covered if you have comprehensive insurance added to your policy:
Deer Accidents: If you live in an area that has many deers or even other large animals, then it would probably be useful to have coverage for any potential damage that hitting one of these animals could cause. Comprehensive insurance will cover the damage done by hitting a large animal so that you won’t have to pay out-of-pocket for it.
Hail Damage: Hail can happen almost anywhere and it can happen suddenly. If you don’t park in a garage or if you don’t have any covered parking for your vehicle, then having coverage for hail damage is important. Hail can be extremely heavy and can potentially cause cracks in your windshield and more.
Fire Damage: Fire damage can be extensive for your vehicle. If a fire has started in your area and caused damage to your parked vehicle or the fire started because of your engine malfunctioning, you will be covered.
Stolen Car: If your car is stolen, first off, you must make a report to the police. If the vehicle isn’t found within a specified window of time, then your comprehensive coverage will provide the cash value amount of the vehicle to you minus your deductible. This should allow you to purchase a new vehicle or at least have a decent down payment for a new or used vehicle.
Flood Damage: If flooding has occurred in your area and has reached a certain point that has caused damage to the interior of your vehicle, then comprehensive coverage will cover the cost of drying out your vehicle. This is important for preventing mold growth in your vehicle, which is also important for your health.
By knowing some of the specific incidents that comprehensive insurance will cover for you, you can better determine whether or not adding this to your policy is worth it for you in the end. Contact a local insurance company, like Olympic Northwest Insurance, for more information.
Deer Accidents: If you live in an area that has many deers or even other large animals, then it would probably be useful to have coverage for any potential damage that hitting one of these animals could cause. Comprehensive insurance will cover the damage done by hitting a large animal so that you won’t have to pay out-of-pocket for it.
Hail Damage: Hail can happen almost anywhere and it can happen suddenly. If you don’t park in a garage or if you don’t have any covered parking for your vehicle, then having coverage for hail damage is important. Hail can be extremely heavy and can potentially cause cracks in your windshield and more.
Fire Damage: Fire damage can be extensive for your vehicle. If a fire has started in your area and caused damage to your parked vehicle or the fire started because of your engine malfunctioning, you will be covered.
Stolen Car: If your car is stolen, first off, you must make a report to the police. If the vehicle isn’t found within a specified window of time, then your comprehensive coverage will provide the cash value amount of the vehicle to you minus your deductible. This should allow you to purchase a new vehicle or at least have a decent down payment for a new or used vehicle.
Flood Damage: If flooding has occurred in your area and has reached a certain point that has caused damage to the interior of your vehicle, then comprehensive coverage will cover the cost of drying out your vehicle. This is important for preventing mold growth in your vehicle, which is also important for your health.
By knowing some of the specific incidents that comprehensive insurance will cover for you, you can better determine whether or not adding this to your policy is worth it for you in the end. Contact a local insurance company, like Olympic Northwest Insurance, for more information.
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