When you’re trying to think of creative ways to reduce your household spending, think about the bills that you pay for your car. While you can’t change the cost of your gas bill, you can change your auto insurance bill with a little effort and a call to your insurance agent. Whether you want to make changes to your vehicle or how you use it, or would rather just make a simple change or two to the nature of your policy, it doesn’t take long to end up with a lower auto insurance premium. Not sure where to begin? Start with these three changes.
Leave The Car At Home
Although it’s often convenient to drive your personal vehicle to and from work each day, the extra time spent on the road can mean that your auto insurance rate is a little higher due to your increased risk of being in an accident. Many insurance companies provide discounts to clients who commit to leaving their vehicle at home and finding a different way to commute. Whether you choose to ride on public transportation or grab a ride with your neighbor and share gas money, this simple change helps you pay less for your auto insurance. If your spouse drives a separate vehicle to work, deciding together to leave both your vehicles at home can be a cost-effective move for your family.
Install An Anti-Theft System
Part of the rate you pay for your auto insurance covers your vehicle in the event of theft. If you can make the vehicle more secure by having an anti-theft system installed, you’ll often see a corresponding drop in your insurance premium. Because certain types of anti-theft systems can be more effective than others, it’s best to avoid just buying the first system you can find. Instead, call your insurance agent first to find out if the company specifically recommends a certain type. This approach ensures that you’ll be able to save as much money as possible — not to mention enjoy the peace of mind of having your vehicle more secure.
Group Together Your Other Policies
One of the simplest ways to get a favorable auto insurance rate is to combine your auto policy with your home insurance policy or any other type of insurance policy you have in your name. Insurance companies provide grouping discounts for this type of change and it requires little to no work on your part. Moving your spouse’s insurance policies onto your policy can translate into further savings for your household. Contact a local provider, such as Holt Insurance Services, for further assistance.
Leave The Car At Home
Although it’s often convenient to drive your personal vehicle to and from work each day, the extra time spent on the road can mean that your auto insurance rate is a little higher due to your increased risk of being in an accident. Many insurance companies provide discounts to clients who commit to leaving their vehicle at home and finding a different way to commute. Whether you choose to ride on public transportation or grab a ride with your neighbor and share gas money, this simple change helps you pay less for your auto insurance. If your spouse drives a separate vehicle to work, deciding together to leave both your vehicles at home can be a cost-effective move for your family.
Install An Anti-Theft System
Part of the rate you pay for your auto insurance covers your vehicle in the event of theft. If you can make the vehicle more secure by having an anti-theft system installed, you’ll often see a corresponding drop in your insurance premium. Because certain types of anti-theft systems can be more effective than others, it’s best to avoid just buying the first system you can find. Instead, call your insurance agent first to find out if the company specifically recommends a certain type. This approach ensures that you’ll be able to save as much money as possible — not to mention enjoy the peace of mind of having your vehicle more secure.
Group Together Your Other Policies
One of the simplest ways to get a favorable auto insurance rate is to combine your auto policy with your home insurance policy or any other type of insurance policy you have in your name. Insurance companies provide grouping discounts for this type of change and it requires little to no work on your part. Moving your spouse’s insurance policies onto your policy can translate into further savings for your household. Contact a local provider, such as Holt Insurance Services, for further assistance.
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