Whenever you shop for any kind of insurance, it’s essential to be informed. Many people don’t know what they are getting with a policy, particularly when it comes to smaller benefits that can be really important. There are some auto insurance benefits that don’t add much cost to a policy that are really great to have. Here are a few smaller benefits you should ask about whenever you are looking to buy a new auto policy:
Accident Forgiveness
If you have ever been in an accident, you know how that can significantly increase your insurance premium. Accident forgiveness is a policy feature that many insurance companies offer. Essentially, if you have an accident, it won’t raise your premiums if you can avoid getting into another one for a designated period of time. The availability of this feature will depend on your current driving record, but if you haven’t had any recent accidents you should be able to qualify. Considering nothing raises premiums higher than accidents do, this can be an important feature to have in your policy.
Roadside Assistance
Anyone who does a lot of driving, particularly on the freeway, should have a policy with roadside assistance. Most roadside assistance benefits include mechanical repairs if your car breaks down, towing, locksmith assistance, and tire repair. You can usually find a policy with roadside assistance built into it; however, you can usually add this type of service for only a few more dollars per month. If you ever need help on the side of the road, this type of benefit could save you hundreds of dollars in costs.
Windshield Repair and Replacement
Many policies have windshield repair benefits available. It’s important to be clear on what you are getting because some policies will only offer minor repairs, such as chip or crack repairs. You can find a policy that will also replace an entire windshield, which can cost a lot of money to do if you don’t have this type of replacement in your policy. Replacing a windshield can cost over a thousand dollars in some cases, so it’s worth being insured for.
Considering the purpose of insurance is to protect you from serious financial problems. It’s worth checking into the above benefits. These are things that are commonly needed for everyday drivers. Ultimately, any extra cost will be minimal, but it may save you a great deal of money if you ever need to use the benefits.
Accident Forgiveness
If you have ever been in an accident, you know how that can significantly increase your insurance premium. Accident forgiveness is a policy feature that many insurance companies offer. Essentially, if you have an accident, it won’t raise your premiums if you can avoid getting into another one for a designated period of time. The availability of this feature will depend on your current driving record, but if you haven’t had any recent accidents you should be able to qualify. Considering nothing raises premiums higher than accidents do, this can be an important feature to have in your policy.
Roadside Assistance
Anyone who does a lot of driving, particularly on the freeway, should have a policy with roadside assistance. Most roadside assistance benefits include mechanical repairs if your car breaks down, towing, locksmith assistance, and tire repair. You can usually find a policy with roadside assistance built into it; however, you can usually add this type of service for only a few more dollars per month. If you ever need help on the side of the road, this type of benefit could save you hundreds of dollars in costs.
Windshield Repair and Replacement
Many policies have windshield repair benefits available. It’s important to be clear on what you are getting because some policies will only offer minor repairs, such as chip or crack repairs. You can find a policy that will also replace an entire windshield, which can cost a lot of money to do if you don’t have this type of replacement in your policy. Replacing a windshield can cost over a thousand dollars in some cases, so it’s worth being insured for.
Considering the purpose of insurance is to protect you from serious financial problems. It’s worth checking into the above benefits. These are things that are commonly needed for everyday drivers. Ultimately, any extra cost will be minimal, but it may save you a great deal of money if you ever need to use the benefits.
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